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Tag: past life regression therapy online

Signs That You May Have Had Past Lives

Signs That You May Have Had Past Lives

Have you ever had the uncanny sense that you’ve lived before? Or, maybe you’ve heard amazing past lives stories about people who have recovered memories from a previous existence? If so, you’ve probably wondered about the idea of rebirth and wondered how you might be able to learn about your own. This is long enough to give us good reason to believe that there’s something to the idea. These memories can have a powerful subconscious influence on our desires, needs,…

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Pallavi came to me with her issue of kleptomania where she has an irresistible urge to steal, even though she doesn’t need to. So I decided to use past life regression therapy in order to find out the core of the issue. As we started the session Pallavi regressed to her past life in 1912 in France. In that life she was a part of the congregation of Christians and became a nun later in that life. And becoming a…

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How can Past Life Regression therapy help you fall in love with yourself

How can Past Life Regression therapy help you fall in love with yourself

Past Life Regression therapy is a hypnosis technique which helps the client to go into trance with the help of a therapist to view his/her past lives which help to resolve the issues of life. We all have lived many lives in different bodies, in different times & at different places. In all these births, we had experiences which left us with different kinds of beliefs, fears, passions, sometimes even oaths/vows/curses. We carry all of this with us at the…

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Few Common ‘Misconceptions’ Related to the Past Life Regression Therapy – FAQs

Few Common ‘Misconceptions’ Related to the Past Life Regression Therapy – FAQs

A lot of people call me for sessions every day; some because of certain serious issues that they are facing in life and some simply out of curiosity. Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy are still new concepts for a lot of people so obviously there are lot of doubts and myths around these practices. For example, people ask me if they will “get stuck” in some past life when they get their Past Life Regression Therapy done. The answer…

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Case Study Anuprita – Mozambique

Case Study Anuprita – Mozambique

Anuprita and her husband Vikas who were running an extremely successful ancestral business approached Dr Geetanjali to understand irrational hindrances that were cropping up in their business and also causing a rapid downfall in Anuprita’s health. This was a classic case of Ancestral Disconnect and I decided to use Past Life Regression as a modality to find out the underlying cause and the related karma which triggered this problem in Anuprita’s and Vikas. In the first session, Anuprita saw herself…

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Healing Karmic Contracts – The Invisible Wounds

Healing Karmic Contracts – The Invisible Wounds

Dr. Geetanjali Saxena trained under Dr. Brian Weiss (author of Many Lives, Many Masters), through the medium of Past Life Regression Therapy provides her clients with a newly inspired vantage point to work with that empowers them to be an active participant in the process of creation to resolve their problems. Malvika approached Dr. Geetanjali with an issue of a strained relationship with her 18-year-old daughter. This was just beyond the growing up teenage tantrums that were affecting Malvika. She…

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8 Signs of Past Life Triggers

8 Signs of Past Life Triggers

Have you ever had the uncanny sense that you’ve lived before? Or, maybe you’ve heard amazing past lives stories about people who have recovered memories from a previous existence? If so, you’ve probably wondered about the idea of rebirth and wondered how you might be able to learn about your own. The concept of a past life and cellular memory has been around for at least 3,000 years. This is long enough to give us good reason to believe that…

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Power and Relations

Power and Relations

Join Dr Geetanjali Saxena for a Past Life Regression experiential workshop in Nagpur on the 22nd & 23rd June. Below is a case study of workshop of Past Life Regression Mumbai. Case Study: Mishika, a 56 year old house wife suffering with arthritis. Current Status: She had married twice and has one daughter (Rishita) from her first husband and one son (Rohit) from the second husband, along with her issues with her health, she was suffering from arthritis, and she…

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Managing Failures through Past Life Regression

Managing Failures through Past Life Regression

The idea behind a past life regression therapy online is that by exploring memories (through hypnosis), we’re able to identify a problem that has never been resolved, and by doing so, we can begin to figure out how to overcome it. Believers in the process suggest that we carry things from our past lives into our current, and by revisiting those memories and talking through them, we can confront them, lessen the pain, and finally be able to move on….

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Does Learning About Your Past Life Really Help?

Does Learning About Your Past Life Really Help?

A Past Life Regression uses hypnotherapy that is used to heal and transform the root causes of physical disease and entrenched emotional issues and patterns. Past life regressions can help us connect with our souls — to get answers about our relationships, career aspirations, fears, desires and even life purpose at large. Past life regression therapy online is based on a belief of reincarnation, namely that your soul is eternal and indestructible. Held by some cultures and spiritual traditions, it…

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