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Category: Family Constellation

Get control of your life with Family Constellation Therapy

Get control of your life with Family Constellation Therapy

Quite often we come across issues that are not your own doing. You seem helpless when faced with these issues. No matter how hard you try to get out of the situation or to rectify it, either there is no change or it becomes more complex rather than getting resolved. These issues could be in the form of unknown depression, long illnesses, relationship troubles, etc. Quite often it is seen that the origin of these issues does not lie with the person who is…

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Becoming successful in life with Family Constellation Therapy

Becoming successful in life with Family Constellation Therapy

We are all parts of our giant family tree. We carry the good, bad, and ugly emotional baggage of our ancestors in our lives. This baggage may not be visible or even not felt by most of us as we consider it as our natural behaviour. Thus, our lineage does influence the way we feel, react, and manage any given life situation. It was this question that led German Psychotherapist Bert Hellinger to develop the Family Constellation Therapy and create family constellation workshops to…

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Introduction to the world of Family Constellation Therapy

Introduction to the world of Family Constellation Therapy

Introduction to the world of Family Constellation Therapy Across the world, one can notice that within a family, the next generation carries some of the traits of the older generation. These traits could be in the form of looks, habits, mannerisms, and in some cases in the form of suffering too. While the older generation may not be physically present, their traits do get passed on to us without we even realizing it. Like the way we enjoy the good…

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All about the Family Constellation Workshop

All about the Family Constellation Workshop

All about the Family Constellation Workshop The Family Constellation Workshop has been hailed as an effective method for healing interpersonal relations, personal trauma, and inner turmoil. Owing to its novel approach, the process facilitates emotional release, resolution, and satisfactory closure as part of a shared group process. This enables you to gain newfound clarity of your situation from a novel, unbiased perspective. Seeing the bigger picture as part of the family constellation, helps you observe and comprehend the influences of previous generations, many of…

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What Is Family Constellations?

What Is Family Constellations?

Family constellation Case study !!!   About the client: Client Mr. Shailesh Chauhan approached Dr. Gittanjali Saxena in order to resolve multiple health issues and also understand the untraced mysterious reason for his son’s health especially his addictions. ((The client name is only for representation purpose to ensure confidentiality.)   Resolution: The constellation was set up with participants taking up respective roles of the client Mr. Shailesh Chauhan, reason for his ill – health and his son Sachin Chauhan.  …

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Disinterest in Studies & Family Constellation

Disinterest in Studies & Family Constellation

Case: Resolving the child’s disinterest towards his studies.   About the Client: The client Amrita approached Dr. Geetanjali with an issue that her child Avinash did not study well. She wanted to have insights into this issue and resolve the reasons that affected his studies.   Resolution: The matrix was set up with participants taking up the role of Avinash and Amrita respectively. As soon as the matrix was live, Avinash felt like he was a star (film- star) of…

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Depression and Family Constellation

Depression and Family Constellation

The client Amber contacted Dr Geetanjali Saxena to help her out as she was suffering from extreme highs and lows in her life. She was unable to have a grip on herself and things around her. Amber complained about feeling choked and having an extremely chaotic state of mind. It was as if she was disconnected and disinterested with everything around her. She would just want to lock herself in the room and have no interaction even with her own…

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History and Methods of Family Constellation Therapy

History and Methods of Family Constellation Therapy

Family Constellation is a diagnostic tool which aids in identifying the core issue in the lives of the people in their relationships. It is a subset application of Systematic Constellation. Hidden dynamics, often spanning two or three generations, may appear in the family “field” and lead to distress, illness and emotional difficulties. This work requires, while at the same time deepens, profound respect for the mystery of life and the forces that shape it and move you towards peace in…

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Family Constellation Case Study: Arnav

Family Constellation Case Study: Arnav

Family Constellation Workshop – Jaipur – 21st to 27th December   Case: Illnesses such as chronic anxiety, excruciating back pain, and severe asthma, investigated and energetically resolved through Family Constellation therapy. About the client: Arnav approached Dr Geetanjali to resolve his severe asthma, excruciating back pain, and chronic anxiety. He was suffering from asthma since his childhood days and no amount of conventional therapies could help him enough to heal it completely. However, chronic anxiety and the agonizing back pain…

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Rejecting our parents comes at a high cost!

Rejecting our parents comes at a high cost!

There is a HUGE difference between creating space from a place of rejection and creating space from a place of self-love/self-care. To create space from a place of self-love & self-care while still honouring them as your parents, holding them in your hearts and being soulfully empathetic towards them is a beautiful thing. If we’re rejecting them. If you’ve been struggling in your life for years, decades even, this is the first place I look when helping clients heal, how…

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