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Month: October 2020

Meet the two life improving sciences: Astrology & Theta Healing

Meet the two life improving sciences: Astrology & Theta Healing

Astrology is a science that is probably as old as humanity itself. It studies the movement of celestial objects and predicts their impact on human lives and terrestrial events. On the other hand, is Theta Healing Therapy (THT) which is one of the latest techniques which was introduced in the year 1995. Given the nature of both sciences, they are very much person dependent. Their accuracies depend highly on the experience and expertise of the practitioner involved. Unfortunately, since such learned practitioners…

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Becoming successful in life with Family Constellation Therapy

Becoming successful in life with Family Constellation Therapy

We are all parts of our giant family tree. We carry the good, bad, and ugly emotional baggage of our ancestors in our lives. This baggage may not be visible or even not felt by most of us as we consider it as our natural behaviour. Thus, our lineage does influence the way we feel, react, and manage any given life situation. It was this question that led German Psychotherapist Bert Hellinger to develop the Family Constellation Therapy and create family constellation workshops to…

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Hypnosis for a Healthy & Successful Life

Hypnosis for a Healthy & Successful Life

According to a report published in the  Time of India , the quantum of obese Indian adults increased from 3.1% to 3.9% between 2012 and 2016. This is likely to have increased further by now, especially due to the lockdown. When it comes to weight loss, an individual’s mental resolve plays a crucial role. While following a healthy lifestyle is a must, if you also include hypnosis for weight loss, then the results may be far superior. A lot of people genuinely try hard to…

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Put an end to your miseries, start living again!

Put an end to your miseries, start living again!

It is often said that “Life can only be understood backward, but it needs to be lived forwards”. For years, scholars have proposed that to know your future, you should know your past first. This is because the source of today’s predicaments lies in the past. The Past Life Regression (PLR) therapy is a mechanism to peep into one’s past. An expert in PLR therapy guides the person into a hypnotic state and then attempts to unlock the memories buried deep…

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