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Category: Inner Child

Case Study: Inner Child Healing- Mitisha

Case Study: Inner Child Healing- Mitisha

Issue: Mitisha (40) came to me with the issue of premature menopause. She wanted to conceive a 2nd child after she had a girl child the first time but was not able to conceive. She consulted many experts, doctors yet there was no significant progress. When the client came to me I agreed to work on the case but also gave her a word of caution since the medical treatment had failed I cannot guarantee to conceive, but was certain…

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Case Study: Inner Child Healing

Case Study: Inner Child Healing

Issue: Karan, 30 years complained that whenever he tried to enjoy himself at a party or at a social gathering, there would be an inner voice ringing in his head and constantly saying, “Don’t waste time. Get back to work.” He said he was much focused and a dedicated worker, still he never felt he was doing enough. He was excelling still felt never satisfied with his progress. Resolution: He was taken into a deep hypnotic trance. And regressed to…

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Case Study – Three Year Old Inner Child

Case Study – Three Year Old Inner Child

ISSUE RIA came to a Family Constellation session saying that she had done a lot of personal development and coaching in the past but had not been able to change a sabotage pattern that meant that she was not seen or recognised for her work. Solution A family Constellation was set up and two representatives were introduced 1 playing the role of RIA and the other playing the role of the sabotage pattern. As the matrix was introduced the representative…

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Case Study for Inner Child

Case Study for Inner Child

Recently I was in Chennai and I worked on a client who had severe back pain. She had gone through all the medical procedures to figure out the reason for this pain. The reports showed that her spine was in perfect condition with no displacements or degeneration. Yet this client had pain and was suffering. She had tried ayurvedic as well as physiotherapy to relieve this pain but was unsuccessful. During the session, she regressed to the age of 9…

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Case Study: Past Life regression and Inner child for ENT Issues

Case Study: Past Life regression and Inner child for ENT Issues

The client came with an issue of swelling in the ears and pain in the jaws and was unable to sleep in the night, the client had been to ENT specialist but the issue was not diagnosed as the reports were normal, when client approached Dr. Gittanjali, after the consultation, she suggested a Past life therapy and Inner child therapy healing on the issue. When the client was regressed, she regressed to the age of 3yrs where she is overhearing…

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