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Month: May 2019

What is the relationship between the chakras and the endocrine system?

What is the relationship between the chakras and the endocrine system?

Learn more about chakras and healing them with Reiki by joining Dr Geetanjali for the Reiki workshop on the 3rd of June in Mumbai. The endocrine system plays a major role for the body’s daily health. The glands release hormones directly into the blood stream and control all aspects of growth, development and daily activities. The chakras change energy from one level to another by distributing Ki (also called Chi, or Prana, depending on belief system) to the physical body….

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Case Study – Insomnia

Case Study – Insomnia

Case Study :  The client Ishaan was a very ambitious person and is currently running multiple businesses. He approached Dr Geetanjali to understand and resolve his Insomnia and constant negative thoughts which were not allowing him to achieve his goals in his businesses. Resolution : The matrix was set up with energies of the client Ishaan and his goals to get release the negative thoughts and to be able to sleep peacefully. The matrix revealed that there was a lot…

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8 Signs of Past Life Triggers

8 Signs of Past Life Triggers

Have you ever had the uncanny sense that you’ve lived before? Or, maybe you’ve heard amazing past lives stories about people who have recovered memories from a previous existence? If so, you’ve probably wondered about the idea of rebirth and wondered how you might be able to learn about your own. The concept of a past life and cellular memory has been around for at least 3,000 years. This is long enough to give us good reason to believe that…

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Cancer and Emotional Roots

Cancer and Emotional Roots

Cancer absolutely has emotional roots. There is a ton of evidence suggesting that repressed anger, hate and resentment play a crucial role in the development of cancer. Increased stress hormones caused by emotional triggers suppress the immune system, which can lead to cancer. When negative feelings are not expressed, they can contribute to physical illness over time. 85% of all diseases have an emotional element. Trapped or repressed negative feelings, such as anger, increase a person’s level of the stress…

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Power and Relations

Power and Relations

Join Dr Geetanjali Saxena for a Past Life Regression experiential workshop in Nagpur on the 22nd & 23rd June. Below is a case study of workshop of Past Life Regression Mumbai. Case Study: Mishika, a 56 year old house wife suffering with arthritis. Current Status: She had married twice and has one daughter (Rishita) from her first husband and one son (Rohit) from the second husband, along with her issues with her health, she was suffering from arthritis, and she…

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What Matters in Life: Stress or Confidence, Fear or Love, Anxiety or Inner Peace?

What Matters in Life: Stress or Confidence, Fear or Love, Anxiety or Inner Peace?

We have so many worries. We worry about money, yet we know that money is only a tool, a means to an end. What we really want is happiness, a bit of security in our lives, some modicum of joy. Happiness, security, and joy are inner states. They are free; money cannot purchase them. Worry is merely a habit—and a negative, unpleasant habit at that. Worry will not change anything, nor will it bring you those things that you really…

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