Case Study- Marital Issue and Past Life Regression

Case Study- Marital Issue and Past Life Regression

Dr. Geetanjali trained by Dr. Brian Weiss (author of “Many Lives, Many Masters) uses the art of regression to bring about phenomenal shifts in her client’s lives.

Riya approached me with her marital issue that her husband had started abusing her, after being married for 10 years

During her first session, she regressed to 1944 where she was a rich lady who had lost her husband in the World War, she married again but was a victim of mental and sexual harassment by her second husband and died in a mental asylum alone.

During her second session, she found herself as a man in 1850 using dubious means to earn money. In this life, she saw that she was selling young girls into prostitution and slavery and felt no guilt and died a rich man in his 80’s. Riya released her guilt of the heinous acts she had committed in that life, which was affecting her current life.
After 8-10 sessions Riya saw shifts in her life and her marital relations improved.

Past Life Regression Therapist Workshop: 8th to 11th September (Cochin).
Contact: 9322122772 or visit our website

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