A father, A son and Past Life

A father, A son and Past Life

Case Study: Past Life Regression

Issue: Vikram, 33 was married for three years and had the issue of not being able to father a child. As much as he wanted to father a child, back of the mind he was always fearful of having a child. He had no conscious reasoning for this fear and hence wanted to see if the roots of this fear were lying in his past life.

Resolution: Vikram regressed to a past life wherein his greed to become richer and come out of poverty, he had sold his three sons to a rich man who was actually an abuser. He had molested all his three sons and then murdered them. Vikram felt very guilty about this and his last thoughts before death was that he is not fit to become a father. He has failed and he took a vow never to father children again.

The trauma of this past life was released and so was his vow. The necessary therapeutic actions were taken and the appropriate forgiveness steps were taken too.

After some time, Vikram called up to report that his fear was all gone and his wife was expecting.

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