A Tarot Spread for Integrating Change

A Tarot Spread for Integrating Change

Life transitions happen to us all, seemingly against what we think we want and others exactly as we’ve planned. Having a baby, starting or ending a relationship, facing the empty nest, career change, health crises—there’s no end to the variety of transitions that life can serve up.

The tarot card reading can help us navigate life transitions with grace, armed with the insight and guidance that comes through the cards from our guides or higher self. By learning this Life Change spread, you will be able to move with the energy and events occurring instead of being stuck in resistance or fear. 

The Seven Card Life Change Spread.

Here’s a reading to help deal with a surprise career transition. The Life Change spread was perfect for her situation. The cards are laid out like this:

Card 1 is you—what energy you are currently embodying, what lesson you may be learning, or even what may be transitioning away.

Card 2 is the energy of the situation—similar to Card 1, it can be what is or what is falling away.

Card 3 is what needs to be let go of.

Card 4 is how to let go.

Card 5 is the energy that is missing.

Card 6 is the resources available.

Card 7 is the next steps.

This seven-card spread provides guidance and insight into how to navigate big transitions. I’ve used this spread for myself and so many clients, and it provides the clarity and direction needed to bust through the fog and indecision that often accompanies major change. Though of course, you can do any spread for yourself, working with a Tarot reading professional brings additional objectivity and assistance in your times of greatest need.

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