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Tag: past life regression therapy

Put an end to your miseries, start living again!

Put an end to your miseries, start living again!

It is often said that “Life can only be understood backward, but it needs to be lived forwards”. For years, scholars have proposed that to know your future, you should know your past first. This is because the source of today’s predicaments lies in the past. The Past Life Regression (PLR) therapy is a mechanism to peep into one’s past. An expert in PLR therapy guides the person into a hypnotic state and then attempts to unlock the memories buried deep…

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Few Common ‘Misconceptions’ Related to the Past Life Regression Therapy – FAQs

Few Common ‘Misconceptions’ Related to the Past Life Regression Therapy – FAQs

A lot of people call me for sessions every day; some because of certain serious issues that they are facing in life and some simply out of curiosity. Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy are still new concepts for a lot of people so obviously there are lot of doubts and myths around these practices. For example, people ask me if they will “get stuck” in some past life when they get their Past Life Regression Therapy done. The answer…

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Case Study – Past Life Regression

Case Study – Past Life Regression

Issue: Mahesh 42 years old was diagnosed with liver cancer. It was three months that he was diagnosed with it and the cancer was on stage two. Though he was operated, it relapsed within 8 months’ time and this time the doctor suggested for a number of chemotherapy sessions. But somehow Mahesh was not convinced and decided to go for a Past Life Regression Therapy after reading Dr Brian Weiss’s book ‘Many Lives, Many Masters’. Resolution: After the initial intake…

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Case Study: Mr. Madhur

Case Study: Mr. Madhur

Mr. Madhur (name changed for confidentiality) came to me as he was worried about his current state of finances and the current state of his business, although he was earning well, but all his money seemed to just disappear through various channels. He said he had never seen a decent amount of money in his bank account, and craved for such a day. He had faced financial problems throughout his life and he felt he was stuck in a loop….

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