Case Study: Mr. Madhur

Case Study: Mr. Madhur

Mr. Madhur (name changed for confidentiality) came to me as he was worried about his current state of finances and the current state of his business, although he was earning well, but all his money seemed to just disappear through various channels. He said he had never seen a decent amount of money in his bank account, and craved for such a day. He had faced financial problems throughout his life and he felt he was stuck in a loop. Now married and with a child, things were starting to get much stressed. 

As Madhur’s family had faced financial problems when he was young, it had impacted him unknowingly. So I decided to do a past life therapy on Mr. Madhur and he regressed into a past life of a male person the first thing he saw in that life is that he was a child of about 10-12 years old and he was getting beaten up by his father which was the same case scenario in his current life as well.

As we moved on further he was feeling very lonely and kept repeating the same words that he is “feeling alone” and “no one is there for me” and he’s “feeling helpless”. Later in life although he finds himself very successful and financially stable and rich, the only think he lacks is a relationship and even though he has a wife she doesn’t respect him or speaks to him or likes to keep any connections with him.

After the client has seen his whole past life we came to a conclusion where the dying thoughts of that life were triggered (which were “that money is no good if you didn’t have a stable relation”) in his current life after his wife left him and after that point of time his finances started going down and faced issues with his business.

After this session the client felt a significant but small shift, this will be followed by some more sessions in order to resolve his issues completely. This was the clients first session which will be followed by 7 to 8 sessions, after which he reported that he was able to hold onto his money and was even up for a promotion at his job, in a few months he was starting to build a bank balance.

For more information on past life regression therapy and how it can help you resolve your issues write to us at or call us on 9322127722.

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