Few Common ‘Misconceptions’ Related to the Past Life Regression Therapy – FAQs

Few Common ‘Misconceptions’ Related to the Past Life Regression Therapy – FAQs

A lot of people call me for sessions every day; some because of certain serious issues that they are facing in life and some simply out of curiosity. Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy are still new concepts for a lot of people so obviously there are lot of doubts and myths around these practices. For example, people ask me if they will “get stuck” in some past life when they get their Past Life Regression Therapy done. The answer to that is – definitely not!

When you visit a past life for therapy purpose, your mind takes you back only to the time where the real reasons to your existing issues are lying. All of this happens in the mind in a deep state of Hypnosis, while physically you are sitting easy and relaxed on a comfortable recliner in your therapist’s office, completely safe and taken well care of by your therapist. You are always in control of yourself, no matter how deep the state of trance or Hypnosis is. Your mind is always aware of your surroundings and of the present. So there is no way that anyone can ever “get stuck” in the past.

People are also concerned about the “side effects” of Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Therapy online. Well, you will be happy to know that there are NONE! I can count many benefits though. In a past life hypnotherapy session you are not administered any medication for there to be any “side effects”.

Hypnosis is a naturally relaxed state of mind, and relaxation has only positive effects. When the mind is relaxed, the body is relaxed too. And when the body is relaxed it rejuvenates itself, almost like in sleep. But in Hypnosis, unlike in sleep, you are more aware of yourself and your surroundings. Those who practice Yoga will surely be able to relate when I say that the state of Hypnosis feels like the state of Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep.

A person has even called me just to know if I have turned anyone into a chicken or a monkey yet. I must say he was extremely disappointed (disheartened, to be more precise) when I told him that such tricks are only a part of stage Hypnosis and have no connection, whatsoever, to the therapeutic aspect of Hypnotherapy that I practice and am familiar with.

Hypnotherapy is a very helpful and life changing practice that has helped many people, in numerous ways, to work with and heal their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues. And Past Life Regression Therapy, as my teacher Dr Brian Weiss would say, is not a ticket to a ride in an amusement park. These are serious techniques with amazing benefits.

 One may work better for you than the other.

 Find out for yourself… book your session today!

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